Clipper Belt Fasteners Size 25
Clipper wire-hook conveyor belt lacing provides a strong grip across the width of the belt and won't weaken the belt's internal support layer. The lacing's low profile minimizes noise as it moves over the conveyor rollers, reduces the risk of the lacing interfering with the belt or conveyor components, helps prevent excess wear and tear on the lacing, and provides a smooth surface that will not interfere with equipment used to clean the belt. The lacing is made up of small wire hooks arranged in a double-staggered pattern. It is applied with a machine for a precise and uniform joint. Clipper wire-hook lacing is typically used to install a new conveyor belt or repair an existing belt on powered conveyors in packaging, manufacturing, and commercial laundry applications. These mechanical fasteners join the ends of the belt and allow the belt to be installed on the conveyor without having to disassemble the conveyor system, minimizing downtime for the conveyor.
Clipper Belt Fasteners for use with 2,4 or6 inch belts.
Fasteners can be installed using Clipper Vice Lacer